Unit 4 Hypothesis Testing


Hypothesis Testing Design

Translate the claim into a mathematical statement. Use the claim to identify the null and alternate hypotheses for the hypothesis test. Label the assumed population parameter and shade the area of statistical significance. Identify the type of test (right tail, left tail or two tail).

  1. The mean IQ of statistic students is greater than 115.

    Claim: \( \mu>115\)

    \(H_{0}:\) \( \mu \leq 115 \)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 115 \)

    \( H_{A}:\) \( \mu>115\)

    Type of Test: Right Tailed

    A blank normal curve for graphing the data for this problem.
  2. The mean wait time at Auto Fix is less than or equal to 2.5 hours.

    Claim: \( \mu \leq 2.5\)

    \(H_{0}:\) \( \mu \leq 2.5 \)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 2.5 \)

    \( H_{A}:\) \( \mu>2.5\)

    Type of Test: Right Tailed

    A blank normal curve for graphing the data for this problem.
  3. The proportion of students who enjoy working stats problems is at least 80%.

    Claim: \( p \geq 0.8\)

    \(H_{0}:\) \( p \geq 0.8 \)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( p = 0.8 \)

    \( H_{A}:\) \( p \lt 0.8\)

    Type of Test: Left Tailed

    A blank normal curve for graphing the data for this problem.
  4. The mean walking time from the parking lot is less than 1.5 minutes.

    Claim: \( \mu \lt 1.5\)

    \(H_{0}:\) \( \mu \geq 1.5 \)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 1.5 \)

    \( H_{A}:\) \( \mu \lt 1.5\)

    Type of Test: Left Tailed

    A blank normal curve for graphing the data for this problem.
  5. The mean grade on the Final Exam is 72.

    Claim: \( \mu = 72\)

    \(H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 72 \)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 72 \)

    \( H_{A}:\) \(\mu \neq 72 \)

    Type of Test: Two Tailed

    A blank normal curve for graphing the data for this problem.
  6. The proportion of students who wish we didn’t have HW is less than 12%.

    Claim: \( p \lt 0.12\)

    \(H_{0}:\) \( p \geq 0.12 \)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( p = 0.12 \)

    \( H_{A}:\) \( p \lt 0.12\)

    Type of Test: Left Tailed

    A blank normal curve for graphing the data for this problem.
  7. Determining the Type of Hypothesis Test
  8. Determine whether the hypothesis test for each claim is right-tailed, left-tailed or two-tailed test. Try to do this without developing your null and alternate hypotheses. Check by developing the null and alternate.
    1. A manufacturer of grandfather clocks claims that the mean time its clocks lose is no more than 0.02 seconds per day.

      Claim: \( \mu \leq 0.02\)      Right Tailed

    2. A financial analyst claims the return rate of a 15 year US Bond has a mean different than 12.1%

      Claim: \( \mu \neq 0.121\)      Two Tailed

    3. A research institute claims the mean length of most dreams is greater than 10 minutes.

      Claim: \( \mu \gt 10\)      Right Tailed

    4. At least 45% of renters own renters insurance.

      Claim: \( p \geq 0.45\)      Left Tailed

    5. The mean life of a certain tire is 50,000 miles.

      Claim: \( \mu = 50000\)      Two Tailed

  9. Statements About the Claim:

    In each case below, consider the claim. If a hypothesis test is performed, how should you interpret a decision that (a) rejects the null hypothesis and (b) fails to reject the null hypothesis.

  10. The mean number of songs purchased annually on an iTunes account is 36 songs.

    Claim: \( \mu = 36 \)       \( H_{0}: \) \( \mu = 36 \)

    1. Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is sufficient evidence to reject the claim the mean number of songs purchased annually on an iTunes account is 36 songs.

    2. Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is not sufficient evidence to reject the claim the mean number of songs purchased annually on an iTunes account is 36 songs.

  11. The US Department of Labor claims the proportion of hourly workers earning over $20 per hour is greater than 42%

    Claim: \( p \gt 0.42 \)       \( H_{0}: \) \( p \leq 0.42 \)

    1. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim the proportion of hourly workers earning over $20 per hour is greater than 42%.

    2. Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim the proportion of hourly workers earning over $20 per hour is greater than 42%.

  12. An automotive manufacturer claims the mean gas mileage of its model is greater than or equal to 40 miles per gallon.

    Claim: \( \sigma \geq 40 \)       \( H_{0}: \) \( \sigma \lt 40 \)

    1. Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is sufficient evidence to support the claim the mean gas mileage of its model is greater than or equal to 40 miles per gallon.

    2. Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim the mean gas mileage of its model is greater than or equal to 40 miles per gallon.

  13. A government report claims the proportion of lung cancer cases that are due to smoking is more than 90%.

    Claim: \( p \gt 0.9 \)       \( H_{0}: \) \( p \leq 0.9 \)

    1. Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is sufficient evidence to support the claim the proportion of lung cancer cases that are due to smoking is more than 90%.

    2. Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim the proportion of lung cancer cases that are due to smoking is more than 90%.

  14. At least 14% of all homeowners have a security alarm.

    Claim: \( p \geq 0.14 \)       \( H_{0}: \) \( p \geq 0.14 \)

    1. Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is sufficient evidence to reject the claim at least 14% of all homeowners have a security alarm.

    2. Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \):

      There is not sufficient evidence to reject the claim at least 14% of all homeowners have a security alarm.

  15. Relating Confidence Intervals to Two-Tail Hypothesis Tests
  16. In each of the exercises below, you are given a null hypothesis and three confidence intervals that represent three samples. Decide whether each confidence interval indicates that you should reject H0.
    1. \( H_{0}:\)    \( \mu = 70 \)

      \(\mu=68 \pm 1\)     (67,69)    Reject \( H_{0} \)    70 is NOT in the interval

      \(\mu=69 \pm 2\)     (67,70)    Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)    70 is in the interval

      \(\mu=71 \pm 1.5\)     (69.5,72.5)    Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)    70 is in the interval

    2. \( H_{0}:\)    \( \mu = 54 \)

      \(\mu=53 \pm 1.5\)     (51.5,54.5)    Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)    54 is in the interval

      \(\mu=55 \pm 0.05\)     (54.95,55.05)    Reject \( H_{0} \)    54 is NOT in the interval

      \(\mu=55 \pm 1.5\)     (53.5,56.5)    Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)    54 is in the interval

  17. Hypothesis Testing: Proportions
  18. A sample of 800 items produced on a new machine showed that 32 of them were defective. The factory will get rid of the machine if the data indicates that the proportion of defective items is significantly more than 3%. At a significance level of 10%, test the claim the defective rate is 3% or less.

    The original claim: \(p \leq 0.03\)

    \( H_{0}: \) \(p \leq 0.03\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( p = 0.03 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( p \gt 0.03 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.10

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Criticall Value, z:1.282 and Test Statistics, z:1.658 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at 1.282 and at 1.658.

    Test Statistic

    \(z \quad=\quad \frac{\hat{p}-p}{\sqrt{\frac{p q}{n}}} \quad=\quad \frac{.04-.03}{\sqrt{\frac{(.03)(.97)}{800}}}=1.6581\)

    p-value: 0.0487

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.10 \)

    Decision: 0.0487 \( \lt 0.10 \) so REJECT \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is SUFFICIENT evidence to REJECT the claim the proportion of defective items produced on the new machine is no more than 0.03 or 3%.

  19. According to a previous census, 8% of couples living together are not married. A researcher took a random sample of 400 couples and found that 9.5% of them are not married. Test at the 15% significance level the claim the current percentage of couples living together that are not married is different from 8%.

    The original claim: \(p \neq 0.08\)

    \( H_{0}: \) \(p = 0.08\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( p = 0.08 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( p \neq 0.08 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.15

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Criticall Values, z:1.440 and -1.440 and Test Statistics, z:1.106 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at -1.440, 1.440 and at 1.106.

    Test Statistic

    \(z \quad=\quad \frac{\hat{p}-p}{\sqrt{\frac{p q}{n}}} \quad=\quad \frac{.095-.08}{\sqrt{\frac{(.08)(.92)}{400}}}=1.1058\)

    p-value: 0.2688

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.15 \)

    Decision: 0.2688 \( \gt 0.15 \) Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim the proportion of couples living together that are not married is different than 8%.

  20. The CEO of a large electric utility claims that 80 percent of his 1,000,000 customers are very satisfied with the service they receive. To test this claim, the local newspaper surveyed 100 customers, using simple random sampling. Among the sampled customers, 73 percent say they are very satisfied. Based on these findings, can we reject the CEO's hypothesis that 80% of the customers are very satisfied? Use a 0.05 level of significance.

    The original claim: \(p = 0.8\)

    \( H_{0}: \) \(p = 0.8\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( p = 0.8 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( p \neq 0.08 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Criticall Values, z:1.960 and -1.960 and Test Statistics, z:-1.750 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at -1.960, 1.960 and at -1.750.

    Test Statistic

    \(z \quad=\quad \frac{\hat{p}-p}{\sqrt{\frac{p q}{n}}} \quad=\quad \frac{.73-.8}{\sqrt{\frac{(.8)(.2)}{100}}}=-1.75\)

    p-value: 0.0801

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: 0.0801 \( \gt 0.05 \) Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is not sufficient evidence to reject the claim 80% of the utility company’s customers are very satisfied.

  21. In a survey of 1275 adults, 52% said it is not morally wrong to change the genetic makeup of human cells. Test the claim the majority of adults do not think it is morally wrong to change the genetic makeup of human cells. Use a significance level of 0.05.

    Majority means MORE THAN 50%

    The original claim: \(p \gt .5\)

    \( H_{0}: \) \(p \leq .5\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( p = 0.5 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( p \gt .5 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Criticall Value, z:1.645 and Test Statistic, z:1.428 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at 1.645 and at 1.428.

    Test Statistic

    \(z \quad=\quad \frac{\hat{p}-p}{\sqrt{\frac{p q}{n}}} \quad=\quad \frac{.52-.5}{\sqrt{\frac{(.5)(.5)}{1275}}}=1.4283\)

    p-value: 0.0766

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: 0.0766 \( \gt 0.05 \) Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim the majority of adults do not think it is morally wrong to change the genetic makeup of human cells (p >.5).

  22. According to a previous US Census, 80.4% of all US residents 25 years old or older have at least a high school diploma. In a recent study, a random sample of 3000 residents 25 years old or older found that 2365 had at least a high school diploma. Is there evidence to suggest that the number of high school graduates is lower than reported in the Census? Test at the .10 significance level.

    The sample proportion: \( \hat{p}=\frac{2365}{3000}=0.7883\)

    The original claim: \(p \lt .804\)

    \( H_{0}: \) \(p \geq .804\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( p = 0.804 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( p \lt .804 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.10

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Criticall Value, z:-1.282 and Test Statistic, z:-2.162 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at -1.282 and at -2.162.

    Test Statistic

    \(z \quad=\quad \frac{\hat{p}-p}{\sqrt{\frac{p q}{n}}} \quad=\quad \frac{.7883-.804}{\sqrt{\frac{(.804)(.196)}{3000}}}=-2.1662 (-2.1616 SD)\)

    p-value: 0.0153

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.10 \)

    Decision: 0.0153 \( \lt 0.10 \) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to support the claim the number of high school graduates is lower than the 80.4 % reported in the previous census.

  23. Hypothesis Testing: Means
  24. The EPA reports the exhaust emissions for a certain car model has a normal distribution with mean of 1.45 grams of nitrous oxide per mile. The car manufacturer claims their new process reduces the mean level of exhaust emitted for this car model. A random sample of 28 cars is taken and the mean level of exhaust emitted for this sample is 1.21 grams with a standard deviation of 0.4. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the car manufacturer’s claim.

    The original claim: \(\mu \lt 1.45 \) grams

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \mu \geq 1.45\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 1.45 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( \mu \lt 1.45 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Criticall Value, t:-1.703 and Test Statistic, t:-3.175 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at -1.703 and at -3.175.

    Test Statistic

    \(t \quad=\quad \frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{(s / \sqrt{n})} \quad=\quad \frac{1.21-1.45}{(0.4 / \sqrt{28})}=-3.1749\)

    p-value: 0.0019

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: 0.0019 \( \lt 0.05 \) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is SUFFICIENT evidence to SUPPORT the claim the new process reduces the mean level of exhaust emitted for this car model.

  25. Studies conducted in the 1970s indicated that the average age at which children take their first alcoholic drink is 14.6 years old. Sociologists periodically check to see if the mean age is changing from 14.6. A simple random sample of 144 young adults (18 years of age) is selected and the age at which each adult took their first alcoholic drink is recorded. The sample mean age was 13.3 years of age and the standard deviation was 5 years. Use a 0.10 significance level to test the claim the mean age at which children take their first drink is 14.6 years of age.

    The original claim: \(\mu = 14.6 \) years

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \mu = 14.6\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 14.6 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( \mu \neq 14.6 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.10

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Critical Values, t:1.656 and -1.656 and Test Statistic, t:-3.120 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at 1.656, -1.656 and at -3.120.

    Test Statistic

    \(t \quad=\quad \frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{(s / \sqrt{n})} \quad=\quad \frac{13.3-14.6}{(5 / \sqrt{144})}=-3.12\)

    p-value: 0.0022

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.10 \)

    Decision: 0.0022 \( \lt 0.10 \) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is SUFFICIENT evidence to REJECT the claim the mean age at which children take their first drink is 14.6 years of age.

  26. The amount of water consumed per week by Tennessee residents is normally distributed. A random sample of 20 residents has a mean of 120.3 gallons and a standard deviation of 10 gallons. Test the claim the average weekly water consumption per capita in Tennessee is not 125 gallons. Use a 0.05 significance level.

    The original claim: \(\mu \neq 125 \) gallons

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \mu = 125\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 125 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( \mu \neq 125 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Critical Values, t: and 2.093 and -2.093 and Test Statistic, t:-2.102 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at 2.093, -2.093 and at -2.102.

    Test Statistic

    \(t \quad=\quad \frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{(s / \sqrt{n})} \quad=\quad \frac{120.3-125}{(10 / \sqrt{20})}=-2.1019\)

    p-value: 0.0491

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: 0.0491 \( \lt 0.05 \) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to support the claim the mean weekly water consumption per capita in Tennessee is not 125 gallons.

  27. A psychologist claims the mean age at which children start walking is 12.5 months. The following data give the age at which 18 randomly selected children start walking.

    15    11    13    14    15    12    15    10    16

    17    14    16    13    15    15    14    11    13

    Test the psychologist’s claim at the 0.05 significance level.

    Use technology to calculate sample statistics

    mean: 13.833    standard deviation: 1.9174

    The original claim: \(\mu = 12.5 \) gallons

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \mu = 12.5\)     assume \( H_{0}:\) \( \mu = 12.5 \)

    \( H_{A}: \) \( \mu \neq 12.5 \)

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    A standard normal curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The horizontal axis is labeled from -5 to 5 counting by 1. The vertical axis is labeled from 0 to 0.4 counting by 0.04. Critical Values, t: and 2.110 and -2.110 and Test Statistic, t:2.950 are both written above the graph. A vertical line is drawn at 2.110, -2.110 and at 2.950.

    Test Statistic

    \(t \quad=\quad \frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{(s / \sqrt{n})} \quad=\quad \frac{13.8333-12.5}{(1.9174 / \sqrt{18})}=2.9502\)

    p-value: 0.0090

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0}: \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: 0.0090 \( \lt 0.05 \) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to reject the claim the mean age at which children start walking is 12.5 months.

  28. Commuters And Parking Spaces: Listed below are the numbers of commuters and the numbers of parking spaces at different Metro-North railroad stations. Construct a scatterplot, and run a Regression and Correlation Test using α = 0.05. Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support a claim of a linear correlation between the numbers of commuters and the number of parking spaces.
    Commuters 3453 1350 1126 3120 2641 277 579 2532
    Parking Spaces 1653 676 294 950 1216 179 466 1454

    The original claim: \( \rho \neq 0 \) There exists a linear correlation between commuters and parking spaces.

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \rho = 0 \) There is no linear correlation in the population

    \( H_{A}: \) \(\rho \neq 0 \) There is some linear correlation in the population

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    Rejection Criteria using r: Reject if r is in shaded region.

    Correlation Coefficient: r = 0.9012

    Correlation Critical Values: \(r_{c v}=\pm 0.707 \text { (Table } 11 )\)

    Decision: Reject \( H_{0} \)

    A number line that is numbered r=-1, -0.707, r=0, +0.707 and r = 1. Above r=-1 is a scatter plot that shows a strong negative correlation because the line of best fit goes through the points with a negative slope. Next to that graph is a scatter plot that shows a weak negative correlation because the line with a negative slope does not go through most of the points, but the points do go down from left to right. Next to that and above r = 0 is a scatter plot with no correlation. The points are just scattered across the coordinate plane. Next to that is a scatter plot that shows a weak positive correlation because the line with a positive slope does not go through most of the points even though they are going up from left to right. The last graph that is above r = 1 shows a strong positive correlation because the line with a positive slope goes through most of the points.

    Rejection Criteria using p-value: Reject \( H_{0}\) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    p-value: 0.00224

    Decision: \(0.00224 \lt 0.05\) Reject \( H_{0}\)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to support the claim a linear correlation exists between the number of commuters and the number of parking spaces a Metro-North railroad stations.

    Regression Equation: \(\hat{y}=89.48817+0.409344 x\)       Good predictor? Yes, Rejected \( H_{0}\)

    The Metro-North Station of Greenwich, CT has 2804 commuters. Find the best predicted number of parking spots at that station.

    Because the regression equation is a good predictor, use the equation.

    \(\hat{y}=89.48817+0.409344(2804)=1237.29=1237 \) parking spaces

  29. Heights of Presidential Candidates: Theories have been developed about the heights of winning candidates for the US presidency and the heights of candidates who were runners-up. Listed below are heights (in inches) from recent presidential elections. Construct a scatterplot, and run a Regression and Correlation Test using α = 0.05. Is there a linear correlation between the heights of candidates who won and the heights of the candidates who were runners-up?
    Winner 69.5 73 73 74 74.5 74.5 71 71
    Runner-up 72 69.5 70 68 74 74 73 76

    The original claim: \( \rho \neq 0 \) There exists a linear correlation between heights of winners and runners-up.

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \rho = 0 \) There is no linear correlation in the population

    \( H_{A}: \) \(\rho \neq 0 \) There is some linear correlation in the population

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    Rejection Criteria using p-value: Reject \( H_{0}\) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    p-value: 0.5990

    Decision: \(0.5990 \gt 0.05\) Fail to Reject \( H_{0}\)

    Concluding Statement: There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim a linear correlation exists between the heights of candidates who won and the heights of the candidates who were runners-up.

    Regression Equation: \(\hat{y}=95.37613 - 0.32129 x\)       Good predictor? No, Fail to Reject \( H_{0}\)

    Find the best predicted height of runner-up Goldwater, given that the height of the winning presidential candidate Johnson is 75 inches. Is the predicted height of Goldwater close to his actual height of 72 inches?

    Because the regression equation is NOT a good predictor, average the y values in the data.

    \(x=75 \text { inches } \overline{y}=72.06 \text { inches }\)

  30. Baseball: Listed below are baseball team statistics consisting of the proportions of wins and the result of this difference: Difference = (# of runs scored) – (# of runs allowed). The statistics are from a recent year, and the teams are NY, Toronto, Boston, Cleveland, Texas, Houston, San Francisco, and Kansas City. Construct a scatterplot, and run a Regression and Correlation Test using α = 0.05. Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support a claim of a linear correlation between the proportion of wins and the above difference.
    Difference 163 55 -5 88 51 16 -214
    Wins 0.599 0.537 0.531 0.481 0.494 0.506 0.383

    The original claim: \( \rho \neq 0 \) There exists a linear correlation between proportion of wins and the above difference.

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \rho = 0 \) There is no linear correlation in the population

    \( H_{A}: \) \( \rho \neq 0 \) There is some linear correlation in the population

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    Rejection Criteria using p-value: Reject \( H_{0}\) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    p-value: 0.0106

    Decision: \(0.0106 \lt 0.05\) Reject \( H_{0}\)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to support the claim a linear correlation exists between the proportion of wins and the difference between runs scored and runs allowed.

    Regression Equation: \(\hat{y}=0.493648 + 0.00049 x\)       Good predictor? Yes, Rejected \( H_{0}\)

    Find the best predicted winning proportion for San Diego, which has a difference of 52 runs. Is the predicted proportion close to the actual proportion of 0.543?

    Because the regression equation is a good predictor, use the equation.

    x = 52 runs (difference)

    \(\hat{y}=0.493648+0.00049\) \((52)=.5191 \) (proportion of wins)

  31. Goodness of Fit
  32. Kentucky Derby: The table below lists the frequency of wins for different post positions in the Kentucky Derby horse race. A post position of 1 is closest to the inside rail, so that horse has the shortest distance to run. Because the number of horses varies from year to year, only the first ten post positions are included. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the likelihood of winning is the same for the different post positions. Based on the result, should bettors consider the post position of a horse racing in the Kentucky Derby?
    Post Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Wins 19 14 11 14 14 7 8 11 5 11











    The original claim: The likelihood of winning is the same for each different post position.

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \mathbf{p}_{1}=\mathbf{p}_{2}=\mathbf{p}_{3}=\mathbf{p}_{4}=\mathbf{p}_{5}=\mathbf{p}_{6}=\mathbf{p}_{7}=\mathbf{p}_{8}=\mathbf{p}_{9}=\mathbf{p}_{10}\)

    \( H_{A}: \) At least one post position will not have the expected proportion of wins.

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    \(\chi_{c v}^{2}=\) 16.919

    \(\chi_{\mathrm{rs}}^{2}=\) 13.193

    A right tailed curve. The highest point on the curve is to the left of the center and the right tail is long. There are no labels on the graph.

    p-value: 0.154

    Right tailed test 13.193 not in critical region

    Decision: \(0.154>0.05\) Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is not sufficient evidence to reject the claim the likelihood of winning is the same for each of the different post positions. The design of the race is fair.

  33. UFO Sightings: Cases of UFO sightings are randomly selected and categorized according to month, with the results listed in the table below. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that UFO sightings occur in the different months with equal frequency. Is there any reasonable explanation for the two months that have the highest frequencies?
    Month Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
    Number of  Sightings 1239 1111 1428 1276 1102 1225 2233 2012 1680 1994 1648 1125
    Expected Number of Sightings













    Note: actual expected is 1506.0833333

    The original claim: The likelihood of seeing a UFO is the same for each month of the year.

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \mathbf{p}_{1}=\mathbf{p}_{2}=\mathbf{p}_{3}=\mathbf{p}_{4}=\mathbf{p}_{5}=\mathbf{p}_{6}=\mathbf{p}_{7}=\mathbf{p}_{8}=\mathbf{p}_{9}=\mathbf{p}_{10}=\mathbf{p}_{11}=\mathbf{p}_{12}\)

    \( H_{A}: \) At least one month will not have the expected proportion of sitings.

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    \(\chi_{c v}^{2}=\) 19.675

    \(\chi_{\mathrm{rs}}^{2}=\) 1159.82

    A right tailed curve. The highest point on the curve is to the left of the center and the right tail is long. There are no labels on the graph.

    p-value: 0

    Right tailed test, 1159.82 is in shaded region

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0} \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: \(0 \lt 0.05\) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to reject the claim the likelihood of a reported UFO siting occurring is the same for each month of the year.

  34. Baseball Cards: Acme Toy Company prints baseball cards. The company claims that 30% of the cards are rookies, 60% veterans, and 10% are All-Stars.

    Suppose a random sample of 100 cards has 50 rookies, 45 veterans, and 5 All-Stars. Is this consistent with Acme's claim? Use a 0.05 level of significance.

    Rookies Veterans All-Stars








    The original claim: The distribution of baseball cards in a pack is Rookies: 30%, Veterans:60% and All-Stars:10%

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \mathbf{p}_{1}=.30, \mathbf{p}_{2}=.60, \mathbf{p}_{3}=.10\)

    \( H_{A}: \) At least one category in the observed cards will have a different proportion of cards than expected.

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    \(\chi_{c v}^{2}=\) 5.9915

    \(\chi_{\mathrm{rs}}^{2}=\) 19.5833

    A right tailed curve. The highest point on the curve is to the left of the center and the right tail is long. There are no labels on the graph.

    p-value: 0.0001

    Right tailed test, 19.5833 is in shaded region

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0} \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: \(0.0001 \lt 0.05\) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to reject Acme’s claim the distribution of baseball card in a pack of cards is: Rookies:30%, Vetrans:60% and All-Stars:10%

  35. Loaded Die? One night at the Tunisian Nights Casino, renowned gambler Jeremy Turner (a.k.a. The Missouri Master) is having a fantastic night at the craps table. In two hours of playing, he's racked up $30,000 in winnings and is showing no sign of stopping. Crowds are gathering around him to watch his streak - and The Missouri Master is telling anyone within earshot that his good luck is due to the fact that he's using the casino's lucky pair of "bruiser dice," so named because one is black and the other blue. Unbeknownst to Turner, however, a casino statistician has been quietly watching his rolls and marking down the values of each roll, noting the values of the black and blue dice separately. After 60 rolls, the statistician has become convinced that the blue die is loaded. At the 0.05 significance level, test the claim the die is a fair die. http://ccnmtl.columbia.edu/
    Value on Blue Die Observed Frequency Expected Frequency
    1 16


    2 5


    3 9


    4 7


    5 6


    6 17


    The original claim: The likelihood of rolling a value 1-6 is the same for each value on the blue die.

    \( H_{0}: \) \( \mathbf{p}_{1}=\mathbf{p}_{2}=\mathbf{p}_{3}=\mathbf{p}_{4}=\mathbf{p}_{5}=\mathbf{p}_{6}\)

    \( H_{A}: \) At least one value will not have the same proportion of rolls. With 60 rolls, at least one value will have a different number of rolls than 10.

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    \(\chi_{c v}^{2}=\) 11.0705

    \(\chi_{\mathrm{rs}}^{2}=\) 13.6

    p-value: 0.0184

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0} \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: \(0.0184 \lt 0.05\) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to reject the claim the likelihood of rolling a value 1-6 is the same for each value on the blue die. The blue die does not appear to be fair.

  36. Test for Independence
  37. Is the Vaccine Effective? In a USA Today article about an experimental vaccine for children, the following statement was presented: “In a trial involving 1602 children, only 14 (1%) of the 1070 who received the vaccine developed the flu, compared with 95 (18%) of the 532 who got the placebo.” The data are shown in the table below. Use a 0.05 significance level to test for independence between the variable of treatment (vaccine or placebo) and the variable representing flu (developed flu, did not develop flu). Does the vaccine appear to be effective?
    Developed Flu Did Not Develop Flu
    Vaccine 14 1056
    Placebo 95 437

    The original claim: Developing the flu is independent of whether or not a person takes the vaccine.

    \( H_{0}: \) Developing the flu is independent of whether or not a person takes the vaccine.

    \( H_{A}: \) Developing the flu is dependent on whether or not a person takes the vaccine.

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    \(\chi_{c v}^{2}=\) 3.8415

    \(\chi_{\mathrm{ts}}^{2}=\) 153.4621

    A right tailed curve. The highest point on the curve is to the left of the center and the right tail is long. There are no labels on the graph.

    p-value: 0.0

    153.4621 \( \gt 3.8410\) in shaded region

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0} \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: \(0.0 \lt 0.05\) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to reject the claim developing the flu is independent of whether or not a person takes the vaccine

    Does the vaccine appear to be effective? Yes, it does

  38. Voting and Gender: A public opinion poll surveyed a simple random sample of 1000 voters. Respondents were classified by gender (male or female) and by voting preference (Republican, Democrat, or Independent). Results are shown in the contingency table below. Is there a gender gap? Do the men's voting preferences differ significantly from the women's preferences? Use a 0.05 level of significance. Adapted from stattrek.com
    Republican Democrat Independent
    Male 200 150 50
    Female 250 300 50

    The original claim: voting preferences are independent of gender

    \( H_{0}: \) Voting preferences are independent of gender.

    \( H_{A}: \) Voting preferences are not independent of gender.

    \( \alpha = \) 0.05

    \(\chi_{c v}^{2}=\) 5.9915

    \(\chi_{\mathrm{ts}}^{2}=\) 16.2037

    A right tailed curve. The highest point on the curve is to the left of the center and the right tail is long. There are no labels on the graph.

    p-value: 0.0003

    16.2037 \( \gt 5.9915\) in shaded region

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0} \) if p-value \( \lt 0.05 \)

    Decision: \(0.0003 \lt 0.05\) Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is sufficient evidence to reject the claim voting preference is independent of gender.

    Is there a gender gap? Do the men's voting preferences differ significantly from the women's preferences? It does appear that men’s voting preferences differ significantly from the women’s preferences based on our sample evidence.

  39. Age group and Shopping Habits: More shoppers do the majority of their grocery shopping on Saturday than any other day of the week. However, is the day of the week a person does the majority of grocery shopping dependent on age? A study cross-classified grocery shoppers by age and major shopping day. The data were reported as percentages, and no sample sizes were given. Test the claim there is a difference among the age groups with respect to major grocery shopping day? (Use α = 0.01.) From “Major Shopping by Day,” Progressive Grocer Annual Report
    Under 35 35 - 54 Over 54
    Saturday 24% 28% 12%
    Not Saturday 76% 72% 88%

    The original claim: Major grocery shopping days and age are dependent.

    \( H_{0}: \) Major grocery shopping days are independent of age.

    \( H_{A}: \) Major grocery shopping days are not independent of age.

    \( \alpha = \) 0.01

    \(\chi_{c v}^{2}=\) 9.2193

    \(\chi_{\mathrm{ts}}^{2}=\) 8.2627

    A right tailed curve. The highest point on the curve is to the left of the center and the right tail is long. There are no labels on the graph.

    p-value: 0.0161

    8.2627 \( \lt 9.2193\) NOT in shaded region

    Rejection Criteria: Reject \( H_{0} \) if p-value \( \lt 0.01 \)

    Decision: \(0.0161 \gt 0.01\) Fail to Reject \( H_{0} \)

    Concluding Statement: There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim shopping days are dependent on age.
