Unit 4 Formula Sheet

Claim has \( =,\ \ \le,\ \ \geq \) Claim has \( \neq,\ <,\ \ > \)
Claim is null hypothesis Claim is alternate hypothesis
Reject the null hypothesis “There is sufficient sample evidence to reject the claim that…” “There is sufficient sample evidence to support the claim that…”
Fail to reject the null hypothesis “There is not sufficient sample evidence to reject the claim that…” “There is not sufficient sample evidence to support the claim that…”

Equation of a Regression Line:

\(\widehat y=mx+b\)

Unit 4 StatCrunch Instructions

Hypothesis Testing for Proportions

  • Stat
  • Proportion Stats
  • One Sample
  • WITH SUMMARY: Enter successes, total, and sample size

    WITH DATA: Select column

  • Put in Null & Alternative Hypothesis
  • Check Show Critical Value Box
  • Put in Significance (alpha)
  • Compute

Hypothesis Testing for the MEAN

  • Stat
  • T Stat
  • One Sample
  • WITH SUMMARY: Enter sample mean, SD, and sample size

    WITH DATA: Select column

  • Put in Null & Alternative Hypothesis
  • Check Show Critical Value Box
  • Put in Significance (alpha)
  • Compute

Hypothesis Testing for Linear Regression

Hypothesis Testing for Test for Independence

  • Stat
  • Tables
  • Contingency
  • Select columns: Choose columns where counts are
  • Row Labels: var1 (always)
  • Hypothesis Tests: Chi-Square Test for Independence
  • Compute

Hypothesis Testing for Paired T-test

  • Stat
  • T Stats
  • Paired
  • Select Columns
  • Choose \(\neq, < or >\) for \(H_A\)
  • Compute