Unit 2 Formula Sheet


\(P(E)=\frac{ \text {Number of Outcomes in Event E} }{ \text {Total number of outcomes in the sample space }}\)

Probability of a Complement:


Probability of occurrence of both events A and B:

\(P(A\; \text {and} \;B)=P(A)\cdot P(\left.B\right|A)\)

\(P(A\; \text {and} \;B)=P(A)\cdot P(B)\) if \(A\; \text {and} \;B\) are independent

Probability of occurrence of either A or B:

\(P(A \; \text {or} \; B)=P(A)\;+\;P(B)\;-\;P(A \; \text {and} \; B)\)

\(P(A\; \text {or} \;B)=P(A)\;+\;P(B)\) if A and B are mutually exclusive

Mean (Expected Value) of a Discrete Random Variable:

\(\mu=\Sigma x\;P(x)\)

Population Parameters of a Binomial Distribution:

Mean: \(\mu=np\)
Variance: \(\sigma^2=npq\)
Standard Deviation: \(\sigma=\sqrt{npq}\)

Unit 2 StatCrunch Instructions

Mean and Standard Deviation of Probability Distribution

  • Stat
  • Calculators
  • Custom
  • Values in: Occurrences (usually var1)
  • Weights in: Probabilities (usually var 2)
  • Compute

Mean and Standard Deviation of a Binomial Distribution

Can’t do in StatCrunch—have to use formulas

Probabilities in Probability Distributions

  • Stat
  • Calculators
  • Custom
  • Values in: Occurrences (usually var1)
  • Weights in: Probabilities (usually var 2)
  • Compute
  • Decide if:
    1. Standard (<, >, =, ≤, ≥): Choose correct symbol, type in number

    2. Between: smaller # first, bigger # second

  • Compute

Constructing a Binomial Distribution

  • Stat
  • Calculators
  • Binomial
  • n= number of times trial repeated
  • P: given probability
  • Choose Standard or Between
  • Enter correct symbol & type in number
  • Compute






Transforming a z-Score to an x-Value:

\(x=\mu+z \cdot \sigma\)

Empirical Rule:

(68-95-99.7 Rule) For symmetric, bell-shaped data sets

A normal curve with the x-axis labeled by integers from -3 to 3.  The mean is labeled in the center of the x-axis at 0.  The negative numbers to the left of the mean (-3 to -1) represent the standard deviations below the mean.  The positive numbers to the right of the mean (1 to 3) represent the standard deviations above the mean.  There are 8 shaded areas on the graph: four on each side of the mean.  The graph is symmetric so the 4 areas to the left and right of the mean are mirror images of each other.  From the left to the right of the graph the shaded areas represent the following percentages under the curve: 0.15%, 2.35%, 13.5%, 34%, 34%, 13.5%, 2.35%, and 0.15%