Unit 3 Normal Distributions and Confidence Intervals

5.1 Introduction to Normal Distributions and the Standard Normal Distribution

Overview of the Chapter

“If a variable can take on any value between two specified values, it is called a continuous variable; otherwise, it is called a discrete variable. Some examples will clarify the difference between discrete and continuous variables.

Just like variables, probability distributions can be classified as discrete or continuous. A continuous probability distribution differs from a discrete probability distribution in several ways.

Most often, the equation used to describe a continuous probability distribution is called a probability density function. Sometimes, it is referred to as a density function, a PDF, or a pdf. For a continuous probability distribution, the density function has the following properties:


Three Normal Distributions We Will Use in this Chapter

Standard Normal Bell Curve: a distribution of z-scores

\(\sim \mathbf{N}(\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{1})\)

This is a standardized normal bell curve and is a distribution of z scores. The distribution of z-scores always has the same mean and standard deviation.

A normal bell curve with the mean at the highest point of the bell. The mean is equal to 0 and the standard deviation is 1.

Normal Bell Curve: a distribution of individual values

\(\sim \mathbf{N}(\mu, \sigma) \quad z=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\)

This is a normal bell curve and is a distribution of individual x values which are measures for each member of the population. The mean and standard deviation will vary for each population.

A normal bell curve with the mean at the highes point of the bell. The mean and standard deviation will vary for different populations, but the curve is a normal bell and the mean is the highest point on the curve.

Central Limit Theorem Normal Bell Curve: a distribution of sample means

\(\sim \mathbf{N}\left(\mu, \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}\right) \quad z_{x}=\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\left(\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}\right)}\)

A normal bell curve with the mean at the highes point of the bell. The curve is narrow and taller since it represents the sample means, so a smaller number of values in the data set.

Requirements for CLT:

Sample is from normally distributed population OR Sample size is greater than 30 ( n > 30 )

Properties of a Normal Distribution

In this chapter, you will begin to study the most important continuous probability distribution in statistics: The Normal Distribution. In the previous chapter, discrete distributions could be graphed with a histogram. For continuous probability distributions, we will use a probability density function.

Probability density curve for a normal distribution:
Empirical Rule Review
    The distribution of the height of American women can be described by a normal curve with a mean \(\mu=63.8\) inches and a standard deviation \(\sigma=4.2\) inches. The distribution for men has a mean \(\mu=69.4\) inches and a standard deviation \(\sigma=4.7\) inches.

    Label the curves with x values, z-scores, and estimated probabilities.
    A blank normal curve.

    A normal curve with mu marked in the middle of the horizontal axis under the curve.  Three negative standard deviations (-1 sigma, -2 sigma, and -3 sigma) are marked to the left of mu, and three positive standard deviations (1 sigma, 2 sigma, and 3 sigma) are marked to the right of mu. Under the mu and sigmas are the z-score values that correspond to each for the population of women in the United States.  From left to right, the numbers are 51.2, 55.4, 59.6, 63.8 (mean), 68, 72.2, 76.4.

    A blank normal curve.

    A normal curve with mu marked in the middle of the horizontal axis under the curve.  Three negative standard deviations (-1 sigma, -2 sigma, and -3 sigma) are marked to the left of mu, and three positive standard deviations (1 sigma, 2 sigma, and 3 sigma) are marked to the right of mu. Under the mu and sigmas are the z-score values that correspond to each for the population of men in the United States.  From left to right, the numbers are 55.3, 60, 64.7, 69.4 (mean), 74.1, 78.8, 83.5.

  1. To join the Boston Beanstalks, a social club for tall people, women must be at least 5 feet 10 inches (70 inches) and men at least 6 feet 2 inches (74 inches).
    1. Calculate the z-score for the qualifying height for women to join the Boston Beanstalks.


    2. Calculate the z-score for the qualifying height for men.


  2. Based on the 68-95-99.7% Rule (using z-table or StatCrunch):
    1. Approximately what percentage of American men are tall enough to join the Boston Beanstalks? approximately 16%
    2. Approximately what percentage of American women are tall enough to join the club? approximately 10.5%
  3. Interpreting the Graphs of Normal Curves
Estimating standard deviation based on the point of inflection:
  • Estimate the standard deviation of the distribution:
    A graph of a normal curve. The mean is at the highest point on the curve. The horizontal axis is numbered from 4 to 10, counting by 2. The curve is almost at the horizontal axis at 6 and 8. The line that is drawn vertically to the top of the curve is at 7.

    \(\sigma \approx 0.5\)

    A graph of a normal curve. The mean is at the highest point on the curve. The horizontal axis is numbered from 4 to 12, counting by 2. The curve is almost to the horizontal axis at 4 and 12. The line that is drawn vertically to the top of the curve is at 8.

    \(\sigma \approx 1.5\)

  • If z = -2.17, what is area to the right of the z score?

    Mathematical Translation: \(P(z>-2.17)=\) 0.98499658