Unit 1 Describing Data

1.2 Data Classifications

Types of Data

Quantitative Data:
measures or counts expressed as numbers .

Qualitative Data
(Categorical Data): names or labels representing categories

Levels of Measurement

Put in a category.

Put in a category and put in order.

Put in a category, put in order, and find differences between values.

Put in a category, put in order, find differences between values, and find ratios of values.

Identifying Types of Data

  1. Identify the variable(s) if a study was conducted to answer each question, and classify the variables as qualitative (categorical) or quantitative (numerical).
    1. Can eating a yogurt a day cause you to lose weight? quantitative
    2. Does louder music cause people to drink more beer? quantitative
    3. Are lions more likely to attack after a full moon? quantitative

Explore the Graph Below

World Health and Income Map

Coordinate plane with income on the x-axis and health on the y-axis.  Income is measured in GDP per capita and health is measured in life expetency in years.  The countries of the world are representd with circles on the graph.