Measurement and Geometry Unit

3.6 Perimeter, Area, Volume and Surface Area

Use the metric system for all measurements. Label all answers with the correct units.

The Box

  1. Perimeter of the base of the box: ____________________
  2. Area of the base of the box
    1. Formula: ____________________
    2. Area: ____________________
  3. Volume of the box
    1. Formula: _____________________
    2. Volume: ____________________
  4. Surface Area of the box: ____________________ Show work here:

The Can (cylinder)

  1. Circumference of the base of the can
    1. Formula: ____________________
    2. Circumference: ____________________
  2. Area of the base of the can
    1. Formula: ____________________
    2. Area: ____________________
  3. Volume of the can
    1. Formula: ____________________
    2. Volume: ____________________
  4. Surface Area of the can
    1. Formula: ____________________
    2. Surface Area: ____________________ Show work here:

The Ball (sphere)

  1. Circumference of the ball: ____________________
  2. Calculate the radius of the ball
    1. Divide the circumference by π(this gives you the diameter): ____________________
    2. Then divide by 2 (this is the radius): ____________________
  3. Volume of the ball
    1. Formula: ____________________
    2. Volume: ____________________
  4. Surface Area of the ball
    1. Formula: ____________________
    2. Surface Area: ____________________