Statistics Unit

2.1 Number Lines

Graph each point on the given number line.

  1. A = 1.3
    B = 2.5
    C = 1.4
    D = 1.1

    A number line numbered from 1 to 3 with ten intervals between whole numbers.

    Point D=1.1 is graphed at one scale mark to the right of 1. Point A=1.3 is three scale marks to the right of 1. Point C=1.4 is four scale marks to the right of 1. Point B=2.5 is five scale marks to the right of 2.

  2. A = 8.25
    B = 9.25
    C = 10.5
    D = 7.75

    A number line numbered from 7 to 12 with four intervals between whole numbers.

    Point D=7.75 is graphed at three scale marks to the right of 7. Point A=8.25 is one scale mark to the right of 8. Point B=9.25 is one scale mark to the right of 9. Point C=10.5 is two scale marks to the right of 10.

  3. A = 4.5
    B = 3.5
    C = 6.5
    D = 2.5

    A number line numbered from 2 to 8 with two intervals between whole numbers.

    Point D=2.5 is graphed at one scale mark to the right of 2. Point B=3.5 is one scale mark to the right of 3. Point A=4.5 is one scale mark to the right of 4. Point C=6.5 is one scale mark to the right of 6.

  4. A = 3.375
    B = 4.25
    C = 3.875
    D = 3.5

    A number line numbered from 3 to 5 with eight intervals between whole numbers.

    Point A=3.375 is graphed at three scale marks to the right of 3. Point D=3.5 is four scale marks to the right of 3. Point C=3.875 is seven scale marks to the right of 3. Point B=4.25 is two scale marks to the right of 4.

  5. A = 6.8
    B = 6.6
    C = 5.2
    D = 6.4

    A number line numbered from 5 to 7 with five intervals between whole numbers.

    Point C is graphed at one scale mark to the right of 5. Point D=6.4 is two scale marks to the right of 6. Point B=6.6 is three scale marks to the right of 6. Point A=6.8 is four scale marks to the right of 6.

  6. A = -1.4
    B = -2.8
    C = -2.6
    D = -1.2

    A number line numbered from -3 to -1 with five intervals between integers.

    Point D=-1.2 is graphed at one scale mark to the left of -1. Point A=-1.4 is two scale marks to the left of -1. Point C=-2.6 is three scale marks to the left of -2. Point B=-2.8 is four scale marks to the left of -2.

  7. A = -4.667
    B = -2.667
    C = -1.333
    D = -3.333

    A number line numbered from -5 to 0 with three intervals between integers.

    Point C=-1.333 is graphed at one scale mark to the left of -1. Point B=-2.667 is two scale marks to the left of -2. Point D=-3.333 is one scale mark to the left of -3. Point A=-4.667 is two scale marks to the left of -4.

  8. A = -4.25
    B = -3.25
    C = -2.5
    D = -5.75

    A number line numbered from -6 to -1 with four intervals between integers.

    Point C=-2.5 is graphed at two scale marks to the left of -2. Point B=-3.25 is one scale mark to the left of -3. Point A=-4.25 is one scale mark to the left of -4. Point D=-5.75 is three scale marks to the left of -5.

  9. A = -3.5
    B = -4.5
    C = -6.5
    D = -5.5

    A number line numbered from -7 to -1 with two intervals between integers.

    Point A=-3.5 is graphed at one scale mark to the left of -3. Point B=-4.5 is one scale mark to the left of -4. Point D=-5.5 is one scale mark to the left of -5. Point C=-6.5 is one scale mark to the left of -6.

  10. A = -8.8
    B = -7.5
    C = -7.1
    D = -8.3

    A number line numbered from -9 to -7 with ten intervals between integers.

    Point C=-7.1 is graphed at one scale mark to the left of -7. Point B=-7.5 is five scale marks to the left of -7. Pint D=-8.3 is three scale marks to the left of -8. Point A=-8.8 is eight scale marks to the left of -8.

  11. Graph each number in the list on the given number line.

    \(375 \%,-\frac{42}{11}, \sqrt{33},-0.19, \frac{9}{8}\)

    A number line numbered from -7 to 7 with two intervals between integers.

    -42/11 is to the right of the -4 scale mark. -0.19 is to the left of the zero scale mark. 9/8 is to the right of the 1 scale mark. 375% is to the right of the scale mark between 3 and 4. The square root of 33 is to the left of the -6 scale mark.

  12. Graph each number in the list on the given number line.

    \(-0.45, \frac{4}{5},-1 \frac{3}{10},-\frac{7}{4}, \frac{\pi}{6}\)

    A number line numbered from -2 to 1 with ten intervals between integers.

    -7/4 is between the second and third scale marks to the right of -2. -1 and 3/10 is at the third scale mark left of -1. -0.45 is midway between the fourth and fifth scale marks left of zero. Pi divided by 6 is between the fifth and sixth scale marks right of zero, but closer to the fifth scale mark. 4/5 is at the eighth scale mark to the right of zero.

  13. Label the number line with an appropriate scale, then locate the following numbers on the number line. Clearly label the scale and each point at its location.


    A number line with 31 un-numbered scale marks.

    The number line is numbered by tens starting at -100 and ending at 200. -25 is located midway between -30 and -20. -10 is graphed at the first scale mark  left of zero. 35 is located midway between 30 and 40. 62 is located just to the right of 60. 90 is graphed at the ninth scale mark right of zero.

  14. Label the number line with an appropriate scale, then locate the following numbers on the number line. Clearly label the scale and each point at its location.


    A number line with 31 un-numbered scale marks.

    The number line is numbered by tenths starting at -1 and ending at 2. -0.75 is graphed between the seventh and eighth scale marks to the left of zero. -0.33 is graphed to the left of the third scale mark left of zero. 0.2 is graphed at the second scale mark to the right of zero. 0.49 is graphed barely to the left of the fifth scale mark right of zero. 1.1 is graphed at the first scale mark right of 1.

  15. Label the number line with an appropriate scale, then locate the following numbers on the number line. Clearly label the scale and each point at its location.


    A number line with 31 un-numbered scale marks.

    The number line is numbered by two hundreds starting at 0 and ending at 6000. 1298 is graphed to the right of the first scale mark right of 1000. 3050 is graphed to the right of the 3000 scale mark. 3975 is graphed to the left of the 4000 scale mark. 4300 is graphed to the right of the first scale mark right of 4000. 5594 is graphed to the left of the second scale mark left of 6000.