Finance Unit

1.4 TI-83/84 Scavenger Hunt

The purpose of this activity is to introduce you to some of the many features of the TI-83/84 calculator. As you work through the questions, do not erase or clear any previous answers from your calculator unless you are instructed to, because many of the problems will continue from the previous entry.

Everything typed in bold below is a keystroke on your calculator.

  1. Turn your calculator on. Press 2nd MEM ENTER. What is the ID of your calculator: ___________________.

  2. (Note: you may want to write the ID down and keep it in your math folder in case you need to identify your calculator.)

  3. Describe what happens when you press 2nd ON :___________________________________________.

    The calculator turns off.

  4. Turn your calculator ON. Describe what happens when you repeatedly press 2nd (^):__________________________.

    The print gets darker.

  5. Describe what happens when you repeatedly press 2nd (˅):__________________________________.

    The print get lighter.

  6. When do you use the 2nd key?_________________________________________________________.

    When using functions above the keys.

  7. What key would you use to erase problems entered and return to a blank display?______________.


  8. Press Y=, now press CLEAR. Did anything happen?_________________________________________.


  9. Press Y=, now press 2nd MODE. What happens?___________________________________________.

    Returns to the home screen

  10. (Note: To return to the home screen you sometimes need to use “quit” by pressing 2nd MODE .)

  11. Enter the problem: (3 – 5) +5(1 – 8) and then press ENTER and write the answer _______________________.


  12. Now press 2nd ENTER and write what happened: ____________________________________________.

    The previous problem reappears.

  13. Now use your left arrow (<) to move your cursor back to the +, then press DEL, and then press 2nd DEL (-). Describe how that changed the original problem that we entered from question #9._____________.

    The + sign is changed to a \(-\).

  14. (Note: Use the “Delete” or the “Insert” keys to edit problems without retyping the entire problem.)

  15. Now press ENTER and write the answer here: ___________________________________________.


  16. Enter the problem \(\frac13 + \frac15\) by pressing (1 ÷ 3) + (1 ÷ 5) ENTER:__________________.

    \(.5\overline 3\)

  17. Press MATH ENTER ENTER and write the answer here _______________________________________.


  18. (Note: Use MATH ENTER ENTER anytime you need to convert an answer to a fraction.)

  19. Enter: \(-2\frac12+3\frac14\) by pressing (-)(2 + 1 ÷ 2) + (3 + 1 ÷ 4) MATH ENTER ENTER =______.


  20. Convert .04 to a fraction:__________________________.


  21. You can also use MATH ENTER ENTER to simplify a fraction. Simplify \(\frac{950}{1450}\) _________________.


  22. Enter the problem \(-1281−(-1533)\) by pressing (-) 1281 - (-)1533 ENTER = _________.


  23. (Note: Use the (-) key for writing negative numbers and the - key for subtracting a value from another value. Be careful to distinguish between these 2 symbols).

  24. Work this problem without your calculator: \(\frac{24+8}{2+6}\) =________________.


  25. Now enter the same problem \(\frac{24+8}{2+6}\) into the calculator =___________.


  26. Were the answers for questions 19 & 20 the same? ______________.


  27. (Note: You must use parenthesis to enclose both numerator and denominator of a fraction when entering it in the calculator to get the correct answer.)

  28. Now enter the problem from question #19 and this time use parenthesis around both numerator and denominator. Write the answer here:_______. (It should match your answer from question #19. The correct answer is 4.)


  29. Enter the problem: \(58^2\) by pressing 58 \(\text{x}^2\) ENTER . Write the answer here: ________________.


  30. Enter the same problem: \(58^2\) by pressing 58 ^ 2 ENTER . Did you get the same answer as question #23?______.


  31. Enter the problem: \(3^7\) by pressing 3 ^ 7 ENTER . Write the answer here: ___________________.


  32. If you want to raise a number to any power you use the ^ key. What is it called? ______________.


  33. (Hint: Bugs Bunny eats them all the time).

  34. Using your calculator, enter the problems: \(-4^2\) = ______ and \((-4)^2\) = ________.

    \(-16\) and \(16\)

  35. How did the two answers from question #27 compare?_________________________________________.

    The first one is negative because only the 4 is squared. The second one is positive because both the negative and the 4 are squared.

  36. (Note: Be careful to use parenthesis when you are using your calculator to evaluate a negative number to a power.)

  37. Evaluate \(\sqrt{324}\) by pressing 2nd \(\text{x}^2\) 324 ENTER . Write your answer here:____________________.


  38. Evaluate \(-\sqrt{324}\) by pressing (-) 2nd \(\text{x}^2\) 324 ENTER . Write your answer here:_________________.


  39. Evaluate \(\sqrt{-324}\) by pressing 2nd \(\text{x}^2\) (-)324 ENTER . Write your answer here: _________________.

    Error: nonreal answer

  40. (Note: The answer to finding the square root of any negative number can always be described as “non-real”.)

  41. Press CLEAR to return to the calculate display. Evaluate \(\sqrt{64-4(2)(8)} + 5\) = __________________.


  42. Evaluate \(2^3\) = ___________.


  43. Evaluate \(\sqrt[3]8\) by pressing MATH 4 8 ENTER . Write your answer here:_________________.


  44. Evaluate \(2^4\) = ____________.


  45. Evaluate \(\sqrt[4]{16}\) by pressing 4 MATH 516 ENTER . Write your answer here:_____________.


  46. Evaluate \(2^5\) = ___________.


  47. Evaluate \(\sqrt[5]{32}\) by pressing 5 MATH 532 ENTER . Write your answer here:_____________.
