Statistics Unit

2.5 Graphics in the Media



The graph is a time series graph that represents the death rates in various countries, ages 45 to 54. The x-axis represents the years from 1990 to 2010. The y-axis represents the deaths per 100,000 people in each of the countries listed. The countries represented are France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Sweden. The US is divided into US white non-Hispanics and US Hispanics. Each country is represented by a separate time series graph. All graphs exxcept the US White non-Hispanics are lines that are decreasing with sime fluctuation. The graph for the US White non-Hispanics decreases for a short period of time and then begins to increase steadily in 2000.

Fig. 1. All-cause mortality, ages 45 to 54 for US White non-Hispanics (USW), US Hispanics (USH), and six comparison countries: France (FRA), Germany (GER), the United Kingdom (UK), Canada (CAN), Australia (AUS), and Sweden (SWE).

Source: Website Source for Graphic


The graph depicts the number of gun deaths in Florida caused by firearms. The x-axis represents the years from the 1990s to the 2010s. The y-axis represents the number of murders committed and goes from 800 to 0. The graph is a time series graph that is rising with some fluctuation until 2005. In 2005, Florida enacted its Stand Your Ground Law and then the line drops down considerably before rising again in about 2007.

Source: Website Source for Graphic


The graph is a histogram with 3 bars for each age group. The x-axis contains the age groups, 18-24,25-44, 45-64, 65 and over. The y-axis represents the percentage of adult smokers who had their health care provider speak to them about their smoking in the last 12 months. The three bars for each group are patients in excellent or good health, in good health, or in fair or poor health. For patients ages 18-24, the percentages are 34.9, 42.0 and 53.5 respectively. The percentages for the 25-44 year olds are 41.1, 46.9 and 60. The percentages for the 45-64 year olds are 48.3, 58.6 and 72.2. The percentages for the patients who are 65 and over are 54.9, 68.5 and 74.2.

Source: Website Source for Graphic


The graph is a stacked bar graph depicting the US population by race. The x-axis represents the years 1990, 2000, 2025 and 2050. The y-axis represents the percentage of the population for each race. In 1990, the US was 75.6% white, 9% Hispanic, 11.7% black and 3.6% Asian or other nationalities. In 2000, the US was 69.1% white, 12.5% Hispanic, 12.1% black and 6.3% Asian or other. In 2025, the US will be 62% white, 18% Hispanic, 13% black and 7% Asian or other. In 2050, the US will be 53% white, 24% Hispanic, 14% black and 9% Asian or other.

Source Website Source for Graphic


The graph is a pie chart that depicts the percentage of supporters for each of the three GOP presidential candidates in 2012. The graph shows that 70% support Palin, 63% support Huckabee and 60% support Romney.

Source Website Source for Graphic