MATH 1830

Unit 1 Limits

1.1 Finding Limits Graphically

1.1 Video

Limits: A Graphical Approach

Piece 1: y=-x+1 from negative infinity to (1,0) Hole at (1,0). Piece 2: y=3 on (1,2) domain. Defined point at (1,3). Hole at (2,3). Piece 3: y=-(x-3)^2+4 on domain (2,4). Hole in graph at x=2. No additional point at x=2. Hole in piece 3 x=4. Piece 4: y=-1 from 4 to infinity, including 4.

$f(x)= \begin{cases} -x+1 & x \lt 1 \\ 3 & 1\leq x\lt 2 \\ -\left(x-3\right)^2+4 & 2 \lt x \lt 4\\ -1 & x\geq 4\\ \end{cases} $

Use the piecewise function to answer the questions below.

Evaluate the limits graphically. If the limit does not exist, explain why.

  1. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to {0^ - }} f\left( x \right) =$ $1$

  2. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to {0^ + }} f\left( x \right) =$ $1$

  3. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to 0} f\left( x \right) =$ $1$

  4. $f\left( 0 \right) = $ $1$

  5. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to {1^ - }} f\left( x \right) =$ $0$

  6. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to {1^ + }} f\left( x \right) =$ $3$

  7. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to 1} f\left( x \right)=$ Does not exist

    The limits from the left and right are not equal, so the limit does not exist.

  8. $f\left( 1 \right) =$ $3$

  9. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to {2^ - }} f\left( x \right) =$ $3$

  10. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to {2^ + }} f\left( x \right) =$ $3$

  11. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to 2} f\left( x \right) =$ $3$

  12. $f\left( 2 \right) =$ undefined

  13. 1.1 Lecture

    Limits: A Graphical Approach

    Piece 1: y=-x+1 from negative infinity to (1,0) Hole at (1,0). Piece 2: y=3 on (1,2) domain. Defined point at (1,3). Hole at (2,3). Piece 3: y=-(x-3)^2+4 on domain (2,4). Hole in graph at x=2. No additional point at x=2. Hole in piece 3 x=4. Piece 4: y=-1 from 4 to infinity, including 4.

    $f(x)= \begin{cases} -x+1 & x \lt 1 \\ 3 & 1\leq x\lt 2 \\ -\left(x-3\right)^2+4 & 2 \lt x \lt 4\\ -1 & x\geq 4\\ \end{cases} $

    Use the piecewise function to answer the questions below.

    Evaluate the limits graphically. If the limit does not exist, explain why.

  14. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to - 1} f\left( x \right) =$ $2$

  15. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to 4} f\left( x \right) =$ Does not exist

    The limits from the left and right are not equal, so the limit does not exist.

  16. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to 2} f\left( x \right) =$ $3$

  17. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to 3} f\left( x \right) =$ $4$

  18. $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x\; \to - 2} f\left( x \right) =$ $3$

  19. 1.1 Group Work

    Find the limits or evaluate the function. If the limit does not exist, explain why. Coordinate plane graph with a discontinuous, piece-wise function.  The x-axis ranges from -4 to 6, and the y-axis from -2 to 10.  On the interval from -4 to -2, the graph is a horizontal line at y=6.  There is an open circle at the point (-2,6) and a closed circle at the point (-2,8). There is an open circle at (-2,2) and another at (0,-2).  These two open circles are connected with the function y=x squared minus 2. There is a closed circle at (0,-1.5). There is an open circle at (0,-1) and a closed circle at (2,7).  These are connected with a curve.  There is an open circle at (2,0).  On the interval from 2 to infinity, the graph is a continuous cubic.
  20. $\underset{x\rightarrow-2}{lim}f(x)=$ Does Not Exist. There are different limits from the left and right.

  21. $\underset{x\rightarrow-3}{lim}f(x)=$ $6$

  22. $\underset{x\rightarrow0^{-}}{lim}f(x)=$ $-2$

  23. $\underset{x\rightarrow0^{+}}{lim}f(x) =$ $-1$

  24. $\underset{x\rightarrow0}{lim}f(x) =$ Does Not Exist. There are different limits from the left and right.

  25. $f(0) =$ $-1.5$

  26. $\underset{x\rightarrow2^{-}}{lim}f(x) =$ $7$

  27. $\underset{x\rightarrow2^{+}}{lim}f(x) =$ $0$

  28. $\underset{x\rightarrow2}{lim}f(x) = $ Does Not Exist. There are different limits from the left and right.

  29. $f(2) = $ $7$

    Problems from

  30. Box Office Receipts

    The total worldwide box-office receipts for a long running indie film are approximated by the function $$T(x) = \frac{{120{x^2}}}{{{x^2} + 4}}$$ where T(x) is measured in millions of dollars and x is the number of months since the movie’s release. What are the total box-office receipts after:

    1. The first month?

      $T\left( 1 \right) = \frac{{120{{\left( 1 \right)}^2}}}{{{1^2} + 4}} = 24$

      The total box-office receipts after 1 month are \$24 million.

    2. The second?

      $T\left( 2 \right) = \frac{{120{{\left( 2 \right)}^2}}}{{{2^2} + 4}} = 60$

      The total box-office receipts after 2 months are \$60 million.

    3. The third?

      $T\left( 3 \right) = \frac{{120{{\left( 3 \right)}^2}}}{{{3^2} + 4}} = 83$

      The total box-office receipts after 3 months are \$83 million.

    4. The hundredth?

      $T\left( {100} \right) = \frac{{120{{\left( {100} \right)}^2}}}{{{{100}^2} + 4}} = 119.95$

      The total box-office receipts after 100 months are \$119.95 million.

    5. What will the movie gross in the long run? (When x is very large.)

      In the long run, the movie will gross approximately \$120 million.